The message of Jesus peace be upon him was simple and straightforward would Sha
N messages of all his predecessors and a letter his successor, Muhammad peace be upon him also, but which - believe in God and Keep His commandments - so that the God who revealed to his apostles is a machine that do not show the choice is on a straight path - not - the origin of the confusion and turmoil - (Paul's letter first to the people Corinth 14 K 33) was one of the Jewish residents of Sharia scholars to Jesus for eternal life or salvation, and when referring to this incident, saying: "If, one came and said to him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do to be me eternal life? He said to Plmama call me good?: It is not none good but one God: but that I wanted to enter into life, save the Commandments) (Matthew 19:16-17) If you or I of the Jews, you will agree that we we produce three of these words that salvation According to Jesus - peace be upon him - the content provided we keep the commandments without the shedding of any innocent blood, but if Jesus - peace be upon him - unquestionably speaks sarcastically and lack of seriousness for the full knowledge that - his sacrifice Alavtdaiip Expected - Special - atonement Alawwadip - Batallmp and death to atone - for the sins of mankind ( ?) was on the verge of falling - Why Jesus shows them the solution - impossible - the need to save them for the law - which is not energy to them as alleged by the Christians - if there's a way easier - for salvation - is about to happen? Did not know what Christ was going to happen and that if crucified? Was not there a covenant between the Father - Son before the beginning of the world on the blood redeemer who was Sirac (?) Do you have his memory of Christ? Both, there was no such agreement fictional Almokhtlq misled in relation to Jesus was aware that there is no Soytrivia one to God and this was the way he said Jesus peace be upon him - Save the Commandments -
Miracles and evidenced - for the miracles of Christ, the Koran does not discuss in any details about the Bartimos blind - or about Lazarus or any another miracle, but when it came his mother Mary - peace be upon her - her people Thmlp in her arms and spoke to the people defending her while he was still a boy in the cradle - and the Muslim does not hesitate to recognize and admit more verses that made Christ's impressive, even those that commemorated the dead, God willing, but this does not make Jesus God - or the Son of God born as inferred Christian - also miracles do not prove the prophecies, or whether a person is true or false in claims and Jesus himself: "Because that will arise false Christs and false prophets, and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect (Matthew 24:24) If the possibility of false prophets and Almsh lie to make their works an extraordinary miracle, then this is a great wonders do not prove so true prophet or not charity - and Yahya (peace be upon him) or John the Baptist, the greatest prophet of Israeli by what is narrated from Aissyaazm of Moses, David and Solomon and Isaiah and all the rest did not exclude Jesus, even himself, he said: Verily I say to you have among those born of women greater than John the Baptist - (Matthew 11:11) -1 did not exclude Jesus: Jesus is born of pain a woman, Mary
2 - John the Baptist, the greatest of all the prophets of Bani Israel with that he did not make a miracle, and one - then miracles are not a measure of the distinction between right and wrong, but insists the Christian from his childhood that Jesus is God, because he restored the dead of life - is to revive the other for the dead makes them gods too? Christian confuse the issue because it is blocked Mind of the miracles of the others who stood out and excelled to Jesus in the Bible your writing - for example, according to its scale pseudo-
Moses, the greatest of Jesus, because it has brought life to the dead and around the stick of the plant kingdom to animal kingdom that seeks to make them live (Safarkheroj 7:10)
Elisha (Yehoshua) is greater than Jesus, because his bones Snorts restored man to life as soon as contact with his body (Kings II 13:21 - The situation troubled the behavior of society insists in the imagination - that it is God who worked miracles using the prophets, but Jesus, created by Queen's - and I of Jesus every Hmaalsultan Let us ask Jesus himself and let it tell us -
Sultan is not a Queen - And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying to pay all authority in heaven and on earth - the Gospel of Matthew 28-18
I am the Spirit of God out Satan, he is come unto you the kingdom of God - the Gospel of Matthew 12-28
Anna Aakedr to do something of myself - the Gospel of John 50-30
The finger of God out of Satan - the Gospel of Luke 11-20
Sultan alias - the ability or the Sultan says Jesus is not him, but - Payment mechanism - of the payment mechanism? God of course - every act and all the words of Jesus to God to comfort him
Lazarus - one of the greatest miracles of Christ were recorded only in John's Gospel only, and in any case, the story is that Lazarus was very sick has Aivk - Mary - and Martha - invokes Jesus in order to come to him and treat him, but Jesus, arrived too late, four days after of his death - have complained of Mary to Jesus, not for hitting at the right time perhaps did not die her brother - in other words, if Jesus was able to cure diseases of others, why did not heal her brother was a dear friend him and says Jesus to Mary Magdalene - Did not you if you believe you see the glory of God -The condition was that they must be believers Did not Jesus, that faith moves mountains - he asked Jesus to take them to the grave - on the way disturbed by Jesus in spirit - Anplm not Mumbles - but because he was vomiting his emotions and calls Allpolkn while he was sobbing hard not his talk is heard, Including sufficiently so misunderstood was around him and then came Description John that he disturbed - and when he arrived to the grave troubled again with great sincerity and God answered him and received Jesus emphatically that God Sinfzlp students - now Astiguen and ordered to lift the stone from the grave even go out for Lazarus him alive and without the assertion of Jesus God to make a fool of himself
And think of Mary, in the smell of her brother because he died four days, but Jesus was confident of God's promise was raised the stone and then look to the sky and said, Father, thank you because you heard me, and I knew you at all when you hear me, but for this combination of standing to believe that you sent me - the Gospel of John 11:41-42
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