Why all this performance representations?
Because he knew that these people of those who believe superstitious, who tend to ratify without sufficient evidence Sision understand the source of the miracle probably thought that God - The revival of the dead is the prerogative of God alone - and in order to emphasize and stress to not only hurts the people understand this issue he speaks in broad daylight and loudly makePeople think Toslp almighty God for help - disturbing the spirit - or the buzz that the public who witnessed the miracle could not understand the relationship of this pray for a miracle, but God responded to the skies in prayer (and then the words) because you heard me
And another saying, all the miracle of manufacture was a response from the Almighty God, his prayer that the Jews who lived through Jesus understood the issue, they are true and that - glorified God - it also tells us when for another incident when he shouted the Jews when he saw the multitudes were amazed and glorified God who had given such power unto men (the Gospel of Matthew 9-8) that Jesus, in fact, his reasons for his talk loudly says - but for this combination of standing to believe that you sent me - that the sender is the messenger - and if God is the one who sent it, then the Messenger of God, where is referred to Jesus as such and Iallasef, the attempt by Jesus to prevent any misunderstanding in regard to Him who made the miracle really a statement that he no longer be in fact only a messenger from God had failed Christians would not accept even a patent Isa clear - of the libel claim of divinity - not certificate Peter - The Rock - which assumes that Jesus built His church upon - that Peter has rightly said - Dear Alasrlielln hear these words - Jesus of Nazareth, a Man attested by God to you troops and wonders and signs which God did through Him in your midst, as you yourselves also know - Acts 2:22
The situation is hopeless - that the same message repeated Almighty God Guy Koran after the announcement of Bishara angel Gabriel to Mary Bhablha Christ In verse 49 of Surat Al-Imran demonstrates God that each state or strange manufacture Jesus was - God willing - Jesus said it and Peter said that And God Almighty says that, but polemicist stubborn will not listen bias and fancies and prejudices and the belief in superstition and the tendency to ratify without sufficient evidence hard to give up that duty is simply to inform that the message loud and clear and leave the rest to God and the situation is not hopeless because God tells us in His Holy Book - including believers and most of them are transgressors - Al-Imran 110 - of whom I mean the Jews and the Christians are two types of people - a range described by faith and who address them in this book Viqublonp and other sect described as disobedient rebellious transgressors must find ways and methods and means of contact with them and convey to them that in our Islam increased valid for all of it and rightly conclude that - that Jesus the son of Mary, tell the truth which they doubt - What was God to beget a son of Almighty if He decrees a thing He says to it Be - and that Allah is my Lord and your Lord, therefore serve Him is the straight path - Mary 34-36
And to another meeting with Jesus in the KoranAdd to Favorites
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